All the while you thought you can trust them your life then you found out they are backstubbing you and made you the bad guy….yup sometimes this happens and worst to one of the most trusted persons in our lives….our so called “friend”
Whenever I encounter stories of this sort, it makes me feel really, really disgusted. I can’t understand why are there people who are willing to risk frindship and for what? ego? money? or just for the heck of telling a story?? sometimes people tend to forget the value of friendship because they are busy digging tsismis and making these stories big and these of course will lead to a broken friendship, ruined reputation etc..all because of the dirty mouthed creature!!
Honestly I find these people funny, I mean here they are talking about the lives of ther people yet they themselves are a living an unperfect life..noone does right? but there are some who knows when to tell, when not, and who to tell. It’s just a matter of using your heart and your mind altogether….
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